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시티즈 스카이라인 2 - 지역팩 링크 모음


시티즈 스카이라인 2 공식 지역팩


프랑스 팩

French Pack - Paradox Mods


French Pack - Paradox Mods

Introducing the French Pack, a starter pack inspired by Paris's iconic architecture and crafted by our talented community creators Gèze, Gruny, Jerenable, and REV0.





독일 팩

German Pack - Paradox Mods


German Pack - Paradox Mods

Discover the architectural style of Germany with the German Pack, a starter pack brought to life by community creators Armesto, Feindbold, and Titan.






영국 팩

UK Pack - Paradox Mods


UK Pack - Paradox Mods

Add a touch of classic UK architecture to your city with the UK Pack. This starter pack includes a range of assets created by community asset creators Macwelshman and Rik4000.







일본 팩

Japan Pack - Paradox Mods


Japan Pack - Paradox Mods

Immerse yourself in the aesthetics of Japanese architecture with the Japan Pack, a starter pack curated by community creators Kaminogi, Koma, and Stop it D.








동유럽 팩

Eastern Europe Pack - Paradox Mods


Eastern Europe Pack - Paradox Mods

Unlock the charm of Eastern European cities with this pack from creators Alex_By, Komurka, Robal, and Tomas13TO. This starter pack offers new zones, service buildings, and signature buildings.







중국 팩

25년 2월 10일



미국 북동부 팩

25년 2월 24일



미국 남서부 팩

25년 3월 3일



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